
I am now the proud owner of a digital camera! Canon 780SD or something like that. I can only imagine how many useless photos I am going to take with it today… Snap happy!
It even has a good quality video option, so maybe I will incorporate some video blog posts… vlogs?

God, when did I get so modern?

This is a blog!

This is my first foray into creating content made for the interweb! Let’s celebrate! I have a feeling that things are going to start out slow, but that’s ok. With a little patience from you and me, I plan on building a vast collection of online awesomeness that you won’t be able to get enough of. You’ve been warned.

So guess what I picked up the other day? A university degree! And I plan on using it. No, not to decorate my bathroom (though I’m sure it looks great above the toilet, Steve) but to use my expensively obtained communication skills to liaise with you lovely people inside my computer. This blog is going to be about all kinds of things, but food is going to be what brings it together.

I’ve conceded something about myself to myself: there are few things in life that get me more excited than the thought of food. Often times I find myself planning my day around what kind of scrumptiousness I will be wrapping my lips around (get your mind out of there). Breakfast offers so many options, but my two favourite categories are: 1) fancy and 2) dirty. Fancy breakfasts are things you would never make at home with the things you find in your cupboards, and things that scream to be accompanied by a mimosa. Dirty breakfasts (don’t google-image that) are wonderful things that involve margarine-soaked white toast, questionable looking meat products, and ‘snotty’ eggs.

I’m not a big luncher, though this venture may change that, as I’m a firm believer in snacking throughout the day. But dinner…. oh dinner. Or “supper” as some of you may call it. Dinner is often the high point of my day, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I love to cook, it is just so satisfying, don’t you think? I mean, how many other things do you do every day that require both creativity and dexterity and deliver such a pay-off? Well, you probably do plenty of those types of things. Don’t judge.

So, here I am branching out. Harvesting the fruits of my collegiate toil and setting my fingertips into action. Creativity and dexterity, right? See, I knew I had a point. Over the next few days, I’ll start posting about recipes that I’ve tried out, and whether they were delicious, disgusting, or somewhere in between. I may even dazzle you with some visual aides if I manage to wrangle that piggy bank to the floor and finally purchase a digital camera. Oh, and let’s not forget the ever important soundtrack. Because I have absolutely average knowledge about wine pairing (none), I will provide you with a playlist that will perfectly compliment your meal, should you adventure to recreate the recipes chez vous.

As a closing word for my first post on kitschinthekitchen, a note to my future self: don’t let this be like your Twitter account where you only signed up out of curiosity and then never signed in again. Oh, and since this post will necessarily be embarrassing to read in a year from now (and hopefully not tomorrow morning), just relax and enjoy the ride.